Calendula Resina is a powerhouse with many uses, it’s bright orangey yellow flowers grow on compact stalks and are a delight in to see in blooming in the medicinal garden. Picking the flower heads as they mature will ensure many blooms for the harvest season.
WARNING: First things first; I am not a doctor nor do I, or will I recommend any medicinal herbs for any ailments. Please use medicinal herbs at your own discretion and risk. I am only interested in the herbs that we use here for our family on the farm. Please seek medical attention prior to using any medicinal herbs.
Parts Used:
Whole flowers (as mentioned before, be sure to use the entire flower head, including the green base, rather than the petals alone)
Medicinal Preparations:
Tea, tincture, infused oil, salve, broth, compress, poultice, vaginal douches and suppositories, sitz baths
Tincture ratios and dosage: Fresh flowers 1:2 95%; dried flowers 1:6 70%. Both preparations 2–3 ml (⅖ to ⅗ teaspoon) three times a day
Infusion ratios and dosage: 1 Tablespoon (15 ml) of the dried flowers infused in 1 cup (240 ml) of water three times a day; 3 to 12 grams of the dried flower a day by infusion
Herbal Actions:
· Anti-inflammatory
· Lymphagogue
· Vulnerary (promotes wound healing)
· Antibacterial
· Antifungal
· Emmenagogue (stimulates menstrual flow)
· Cholagogue (stimulates bile)
Medicinal Uses:
Calendula aids in digestion and can help with GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease. Which is best taken as a tea.
Topically calendula can be used for wounds, stings, burns, rashes, scrapes, insect bites, swelling, acne among other things.
I like to soak calendula in a light olive oil with plantain and jewel-weed; let it sit in the sun for a day and then turn it into an anti itch stick. The recipe is below.
Anti Itch Recipe:
1-2 bunches of jewelweed
1 bunch of plantain leaves
5 fresh calendula flower heads
2 tbsp. of raw beeswax pellets
2-3 drops of peppermint extract (optional)
Gather all of the plant materials and rinse in cold water. Snap the jewelweed into small pieces and jam in a quart jar, pressing firmly with a wooden spoon add all of the jewelweed. add the plantain and calendula to the jar pressing to lightly to mix in. Top off with extra virgin olive oil or avocado oil. Place in a sunny location for 1-2 days.
After the 24-48 hour steep strain off the juices in a measuring cup and measure out 1/2 a cup, and discard the plant material.
Working with just the 1/2 cup of juices bring them to a very light simmer it's important not to boil. Add the beeswax pellets to thicken the juices. You may need to add more beeswax to get the consistency of a chap stick. When ready pull off the stove and add peppermint oil and stir to combine.
To test the consistency dip the end of a spoon into the mixture and place in the freezer until cooled.
Pour your anti itch into a small Tupperware or chap stick tubes. We use the chap stick tubes this makes it easy to pop in a purse or to carry just about anywhere.
Let cool, We label with the ingredients on a permanent sticker.
We have used our anti itch tubes for 2 years with no problems. If you would like to extend the life you can add 1 tsp of vitamin E oil.